Countifs forumla

Hi, I am looking at doing a countifs forumla across 7 different sheets.

=countifs({spreadsheet 1}, "Green",{spreadsheet 2}, "Green",{spreadsheet 3}, "Green",{spreadsheet 4}, "Green",{spreadsheet 5}, "Green",{spreadsheet 6}, "Green",{spreadsheet 7}, "Green",)

Is this the correct formula? As it is not picking up the right amount - Thank you

Best Answer

  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @ohoward,

    The formula is trying to reconcile a case where all conditions are true at the same time, which is most likely why you are not getting the correct value.

    Try something like this instead.

    =COUNTIF({spreadsheet 1}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 2}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 3}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 4}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 5}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 6}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 7}, "Green")

    Hope this helps,



  • RDRGSJ00
    RDRGSJ00 ✭✭✭✭

    Hello ohoward,

    As far as I know, you cannot reference multiple sheets in a single function. Read this:,single%20column%20references%20for%20example).

    Could you elaborate a little more? Are you expecting back a number? You could pull back the data into Helper columns and then add or count the data on the main sheet.

  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @ohoward,

    The formula is trying to reconcile a case where all conditions are true at the same time, which is most likely why you are not getting the correct value.

    Try something like this instead.

    =COUNTIF({spreadsheet 1}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 2}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 3}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 4}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 5}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 6}, "Green") + COUNTIF({spreadsheet 7}, "Green")

    Hope this helps,


  • @DKazatsky2 It worked thank you so much

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