I need to add days to a date with a formula.

I use the formula: =Procedure8+35 and it will calculate 35 days from procedure with the correct date. If I ask it for +76 days I will get #INVALID COLUMN VALUE. Not sure what I am missing.

Procedure is the column and 8 is the row where the date is calculated from.

Best Answers

  • nickmirig
    nickmirig ✭✭
    edited 08/13/24 Answer ✓

    I just tested it with 76 and it works for me. Are you doing this calculation in a different column than with 35? If so you should verify that it is a Date column and not a Text/Number Column.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Are you able to provide some screenshots for context? Are you putting two separate formulas into two separate columns, or are you updating the working formula with just a different number of days?

    It almost sounds to me as if you are putting in two separate formulas into two separate columns, and the one that is throwing the error is not set as a date type column.


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