Formula Needed for Calculation Sheet

I need a formula for a Calculation Sheet I use for Dashboards:

Main Sheet Name: Migration Grid 03.29.23

Columns Used: "Type", "IDENT $ - PAH (ATL)", "IMP $ - PAH (ATL)", "VALID $ - PAH (ATL), "Status", "Actual IMP Date",

Type Column must EXCLUDE: "Optimization", "Cost Avoidance"

Status Column must EXCLUDE: "HOLD", "DROPPED", "Pipeline"

Actual IMP Date: must INCLUDE Date Range from 12/1/23 to current date

Formula Needed:

I need to see data from Sheet MIGRATION GRID 03.29.23 for initiatives with IDENT $, IMP $, and VALID $ for each facility for the time period of 12/01 - current, that excludes status that are HOLD, DROPPED or PIPELINE, and also EXCLUDES those with a "Type" that excludes OPTIMIZATION and COST AVOIDANCE

Let me know if anything needs clarification @Paul Newcome :)


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