Comma and point

Cynthia Guay
Cynthia Guay ✭✭✭✭
edited 08/13/24 in Formulas and Functions


i got a few columns (text/Number), Column a-b-c-d .

Column F is the total of all the others.

All columns are with $ sign

if i'm adding an amount with a point it's fine the amount got the $ sign and it's adding to F column.

But a co-worker is using the same ( point) but the amount is not add to F column, neither the $ sign. If she's using a comma it's working.

How can i make it the same for every one to make sure the amount are adding for everybody?

thank you

have a good one :)


  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers

    Hi @Cynthia Guay

    You can set the column properties to currency, but when the data is entered in a non number format the dollar sign wont be added to the cell as the sheet doesn't recognise it as a number

    Unfortunately this is one of the cases where you will need to ask your colleague to be more careful when entering the data into cells.

    Making sure that they use . instead of , and I would guess that the cell with 500.32 in has a ' in front of the number ('500.32) so the cell is being read as text not a number.

    Hope that helps


    Paul McGuinness

  • Cynthia Guay
    Cynthia Guay ✭✭✭✭

    Hello Paul ,

    Everybody wants to use the ''. '' , more easy on the keyboard.

    But some people actually need to use the coma to get the $ sign and amount count, and other need to use the point. This is where my real problem is.

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