Display dates differently on a dashboard

I work in a global organization, and I prefer to plan my dates in 1/20/24 format but with our European partners that can get confusing. So when sharing dates with them we display as Jan 20, 24. However, I'm tracking and mapping dates against a lot of other North America teams who plan in 1/20/24 so it's easier for me to cross reference if the dates display in the same format. Can my sheets reflect 1/20/24 (where I work) and then display then in Jan 20, 24?


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Surely someone knows better than I do, but I don't think you can within same field. Why not create a helper column for the date that you use in reports for NAMER teams vs the main one used for EU teams? Would that work?

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