İmported data to existing smartsheet and adding new rows

Hello there,

I have been searching for a solution however so far could not found a working answer.

I have two files which have same, identical columns. Call them X and Y files, these are imported excel files to the smartsheets.

X have 50 columns, Y have same 50 columns and 2 more columns which have formulations.

X will have up-to-date date, columns are same with Y, but X will have new rows each day, week or month. ( X is created with stable name to try data shuttle, thought that the X file will be imported any time into smartsheet with newly added rows, this data can be migrated into Y file with a created workflow)

As a final goal, I need to revise Y file with adding new rows. ( not changing columns, only adding new rows to the file)

So far tried below,

  • Adding the rows simply by copy/paste to Y file, too hard and time consuming because new rows may be exceeding the limits, I need to paste them with small portions and this is time consuming.
  • Data shuttle, created a workflow to migrate newly added rows. however the rows have not been added to Y file.

I need now a solution. the only goal is mentioned above, tried to find a solution with existinf feature, no progress so far.

Could you help on that?
