Multiple Deadline/Due Date columns for each project (row) - Combined Report

I have a sheet used to track grant deadlines, and there are multiple deadline columns for each grant (application deadline, report 1 deadline, report 2 deadline, etc. - example below). I am looking to create a report or even a sheet that pulls in a grant and each respective deadline that occurs in the next 120 days. My current workaround is a messy way of linking cells from my master sheet to a separate deadline sheet. For example, I would link the grant name from my master sheet to my deadline sheet, and then manually key in the deadline type (application due date for example - copy and paste down the column) in the next column, and then link in that particular deadline dates from the correct deadline column (application due date). I then created a report based on that deadline sheet. It works, but I feel like there has to be a better way…

Master Sheet Example (dummy data):

Current deadline report example:

Again, my current report method seems to get the job done, but linking all the cells is kind of messy. I did link a bunch of blank rows so that when new grants are added to those rows, they get pushed over to my deadline sheet. I am hoping there is a better way to accomplish this, though.

Thank you!



  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Could you just use a helper column for each date field in the main sheet that would show the corresponding date if it's within next 120 days, otherwise would be blank, then just report on that sheet using the helper columns? You would see each grant and then dates where they were upcoming in next 120 days. Would that work?

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