Match or Vlookup?

Hi all! I had a question about a formula I'm a little stuck on…

For a dashboard showing our clinics information, I added a column to the sheet that feeds into the dashboard that will show which doctor is assigned to that clinic.

Sheet 1 - all the clinical information

Sheet 2 - dashboard metrics

What formula do I add to that sheet 2 column that will match and pull the information from sheet 1? This is the sheet 2…

I need the name of the medical doctor to show in that column that matches with the clinic site name (from sheet 1)…I hope that makes sense.

Help please :)

Best Answer


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/14/24

    Something like this should work: =INDEX({Doctor Name}, MATCH(Other@row, {Clinic Site Name}, 1))

  • This is what I have but it's not working :(

    =INDEX({LOY002-MSD_MM Primary}, MATCH(Other@row, {LOY002-MSD_Site Name,1}))

    LOY002-MSD_MM Primary — this is from sheet 1, the doctor's name

    Other@row — not sure if I'm doing this one right…is that the row on the metrics sheet (for the dashboard) with the list of all the clinic names?

    Clinic Site Name — this is referenced from sheet 1, to match with what's on the sheet 2

    Is this right? I'm not sure what's wrong here. @Adam Murphy thank you for your help!

  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You are close: =INDEX({LOY002-MSD_MM Primary}, MATCH(Other@row, {LOY002-MSD_Site Name,1}, 1)) should work, you just left off the ,1 at the end (which is a sorted ascending search, you may want 0 for unsorted).

  • laura.sandoval
    laura.sandoval ✭✭✭
    edited 08/14/24 Answer ✓

    =INDEX({LOY002-MSD_MM Primary}, MATCH(Other@row, {LOY002-MSD_Site Name},0))

    ah it took me a couple of tries lol I think it worked thank you!

    @Adam Murphy

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