Determination of Request Type based on form answers

Hello all, my org handles a few types of requests that are broken out based on need and qualifications. I am attempting an integrated request form that will remove the need for multiple form types.

I am wanting a column [RequestType] formula to come up with results based on the answers in the form.

One thing that may complicate this, is that the answers that make these determinations are contained within multi-answer allowed dropdown questions. Here's the logic I am trying to create:

RequestType = "HRSN Climate" if [Request Category] contains "Climate Devices" (the actual dropdown answer is a longer text string) AND [Circumstances] has any multi-select box checked, AND [Health Conditions and History] has any multi-select box checked.

Otherwise, [RequestType] = "Flexible Services"

We have some benefit expansion coming soon that will require me to make the formula have a few more branches, but this would suffice for now. I know I'm close but not quite there. Somewhat new to Smartsheet so help would be appreciated.

Thanks all!

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