Main intake form connection to separate workspace -How to?

Hi All!! I took over our current Smartsheet set up and a colleague transferred to a new role. It's currently set up as one main intake for all of our departments different requests. I was asked to incorporate a new intake feature but need to connect it to it's own workspace so the group that will be accessing this info won't be in the master record gathering their data.

I have the workspace created and am looking for the steps to have this info duplicate - so I want it to go into the master sheet and also the dedicated workspace. If there is a community answer that I missed, please feel free to link me!!

Thanks in advance to this always and ever helpful group!!!


Best Answer

  • Leroy Noriega
    Leroy Noriega Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    In the intake sheet you can create an automation, when a new row gets added in copy to a different sheet, and have it copy over to your master sheet.

    Leroy Noriega | Smartsheet SME | Independent Smartsheet Consultant

    Core App, Project Management and System Administrator Certified🏅

    E: | Linkedin Profile
