How to copy the row number in a column.

How to copy the row number in a column. In attached snap, i want to copy the row Number 8 under TestIDID column automatically. Do we have any pointers for the same.

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    You need to have something unique in each row of the sheet. If you don't have anything, you can add and hide an Auto number column. Then you can use a MATCH formula like this:

    =MATCH([Unique ID]@row, [Unique ID]:[Unique ID], 0)

    Unique ID is the column name that contains the unique piece of information. This could be the auto number column or any ID you already have.

    This will return the row number of the row where the Unique ID matches the Unique ID on the current row. Which is a complicated way of saying "current row"


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