Automation Row Copy Conditions (where is checked)

breso ✭✭✭✭
edited 08/19/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hello, I am using the Condition where column "Milestone" is "is checked" for a Copy rows automation. However, the checked rows and their children rows are all copying over. How do I prevent these extra rows from copying?


  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/19/24

    @breso The children rows belong to the parent and will copy with the parent. One way to prevent that would be to outdent/promote the children not to be children.

    You can also add the =count(ancestors()) helper column and modify your automation. See this detailed in this post:

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  • breso
    breso ✭✭✭✭

    @Matt Lynn-PCG for this use case the milestones will not always be the same hierarchy level. There may be "checked" milestones nested in the project gantt.

    Is there a way to remove/delete the extra data after the copy automation completes?

  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @breso Not a good way. You could do an automation that cleared those cells but they'd still be there and still be demoted/children.. .just blank. You could add the count(ancestors()) and a count(children()) column and somehow try to using them together to filter/condition your rule more. It would take some trial and error to maybe find a good solution, if there is one.

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