Help with multiple condition

I am looking for the right formula so that changing the Month does not affect the count of the previous month.

=COUNTIFS({Asset Health Tracker Range 2}, "Lawn", {Asset Health Tracker Range 3}, "August", {Asset Health Tracker Range 1}, "Red")


  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion

    @Leod13 If I understand your question correctly, you're looking for a way to count things in a previous month as the actual date changes? So if today is in August, then you want to count July but when August changes to September, you would then automatically want to count August.

    If I have that correct you'd want to do a few things:

    1.) Add a automation to keep this sheet up to date with what today's date is so it always knows the date even if you don't open the sheet.

    2.) Change your formula here rather than saying "August" you'd need to build it to look at month(today())-1 and possibly add a helper column on the source sheet to track what month it is regardless of the day. Of course then you may need to capture for changing years so you'd have to build that in too.

    That's the short version because I'm not 100% sure I understood your request correctly to begin with.

    Matt Lynn

  • Thank you for your reply; this is what I'm trying to do.

    Here is my record sheet

    then I want to create statistics ( different sheet) every month based of STATUS by Fault Mode and Month

    I can get it to count, but once I change the month on my worksheet, it also changes the previous month.

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