Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Control Center Error message


I am new to Control Center and I'm trying to do a global update to a formula. Here is the formula I want to change

Current Formula:

=IF(AND(YEAR(Created@row) = YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(Created@row) = MONTH(TODAY())), 1)

New Formula:

=IF(AND(YEAR(Date@row) = YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(Date@row) = MONTH(TODAY())), 1)

Changing Created@row to Date@row. When I test my update I am receiving the following error message:

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. The Date column is checked as 'Restrict to Date Only'.

Thank you in advance for any assistance



  • Community Champion

    Hi @Carol-Anne Cerbone

    The error is due to the column where you're trying to update the formula. Currently, Global Updates doesn't allow for a column formula to be updated. It has to be done in each sheet manually. Alternatively, you can create a new column through Global Updates with the new formula to roll it out to all sheets.


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


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