Workflow with Condition Path

How do I set up my workflow condition path if I have the following situation:

Employee 1 (E1) should be notified of the workflow approval if his name is selected in a cell, C1. If E1 does not respond today, Employee 2 (E2) should then be notified to complete the workflow action (E1's name is still selected in C1).

Condition 1 (left-most) path is: If C1 has E1's name in it, request E1 to either approve or decline the approval request.

Condition 2 path is: If C1 has E1's name in it AND "Last Mod Date" is in the path AND "Last Mod Date" is today (which I'm sure is wrong), request E2 to either approve or decline the approval request in E1's stead.

I need help with setting up the right conditions in path 2.

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