How can I quickly create multiple checkbox columns?

I have imported an Excel file with 147 columns that will be a checklist for various systems with various points. I need each of these columns to be a checkbox column. Is there any way to make each column a checkbox column quickly, rather than updating each column one-by-one?

Best Answer

  • Tama Wagner
    Tama Wagner ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I have figured it out (providing the info in case anyone else has this question in the future). In my Excel file, I created a second row and in that row, marked each column "TRUE" or "FALSE". Then upon import, Smartsheet detected the intent and made each column a checkbox column. Very relieved that worked!


  • Tama Wagner
    Tama Wagner ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I have figured it out (providing the info in case anyone else has this question in the future). In my Excel file, I created a second row and in that row, marked each column "TRUE" or "FALSE". Then upon import, Smartsheet detected the intent and made each column a checkbox column. Very relieved that worked!

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