If formula for checkboxes

Hi, I am having trouble with the correct formula sequence for check boxes to stay checked through out the workflow process?

I want the check boxes to stay check as it moves along its stages.

current formula I am using is:

100% Rec'd column =IF([Workflow Status - BitRip]@row = "Received", 1)

Shop Installed column =IF([Workflow Status - BitRip]@row = "Shop Installed", 1)

100% Delivered =IF([Workflow Status - BitRip]@row = "Delivered", 1)

Field Installed =IF([Workflow Status - BitRip]@row = "Field Installed", 1)

100% QC'd =IF([Workflow Status - BitRip]@row = "QC'd", 1)

Workflow Status - BitRip; drop down values are:

any help is appreciated 😊


Best Answer

  • Victoria_Indimar
    Victoria_Indimar ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @kaowser ! If you're using a formula, whenever the status changes, the checkboxes will change. Instead, if you want a status to mark a checkbox, and then a status change marks a new checkbox but leaves the other one checked because that was completed, you should use an automation.

    The automation would be trigger when status changes to Received, change cell value "100% rec'd" to checked. Then you can duplicate that automation and set it up for each status.

    Hope that helps!


  • Victoria_Indimar
    Victoria_Indimar ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @kaowser ! If you're using a formula, whenever the status changes, the checkboxes will change. Instead, if you want a status to mark a checkbox, and then a status change marks a new checkbox but leaves the other one checked because that was completed, you should use an automation.

    The automation would be trigger when status changes to Received, change cell value "100% rec'd" to checked. Then you can duplicate that automation and set it up for each status.

    Hope that helps!

  • Thank you Victoria! the automations helped a lot!

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