Cloned sheets populating the same form - how do I get around that?

I created a form in English, then cloned it and replaced the text with French. Both forms are now sending data to the same sheet. How do I get the French to go to a separate sheet? Do I have to start from scratch for the French version? (And I will have other languages, too.)


  • Davin Vo
    Davin Vo ✭✭✭

    Hello @jmjoseph

    Forms are tied to the sheet that they are created on. So short answer in yes if you want each language to submit onto it's own sheet, you'll have to create a new sheet for it.

    Good news is that since you already created the French form, you won't have to save completely from scratch! You can go to File > Save as New. In the new sheet, you can delete the English form and keep the French version. The only thing you may need to do is change the column names to match your French translations.

    Hope this helps!

    Davin Vo - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Platinum Partner

  • Thank you - figured as much. Appreciate the fast answer!