I need help with formulas!

Hello, I am trying to create a dashboard for our staffing office and trying to create a visualization of how many of each discipline (RN, MHW) are assigned to each shift. I have a separate Metrics sheet where I have the total for each shift and the total for each Discipline; however, I cannot figure out the formula to calculate a total for each Discipline assigned to each Shift. I hope the screenshots help, and I greatly appreciate any feedback :)

Best Answer

  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi! Have you used the COUNTIFS function before?

    COUNTIFS Function | Smartsheet Learning Center

    I think this is what you want. Basically, instead of just giving the formula one range+criterion, you can give the formula multiple range+criterion pairs to look at. So for the first range+criterion pair you can use the exact same wording as your shift COUNTIF, but then for the next pair inside the COUNTIFS formula you enter the Discipline column & the Discipline value you want counted for that shift. Then the COUNTIFs formula should give you the total rows that meet both of those criteria.


  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi! Have you used the COUNTIFS function before?

    COUNTIFS Function | Smartsheet Learning Center

    I think this is what you want. Basically, instead of just giving the formula one range+criterion, you can give the formula multiple range+criterion pairs to look at. So for the first range+criterion pair you can use the exact same wording as your shift COUNTIF, but then for the next pair inside the COUNTIFS formula you enter the Discipline column & the Discipline value you want counted for that shift. Then the COUNTIFs formula should give you the total rows that meet both of those criteria.

  • Thank you very much, this worked! For reference, here is the formula I used:

    =COUNTIFS({ReferenceColumn1}, "MHW", {ReferenceColumn2}, "3 - 11 PM to 7 AM")

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