All up view of construction projects

New to smart sheet and construction projects being managed here. I'm building a template library and hoping to have a consolidated all up view to how they are progressing. Where is the best area I can research this, understand it more clearly?

Is there a team where I can simply have one on ones with super users?


  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @langelah Welcome to the platform! There's much to learn. Much of the engagement here is forum based but yes you can message users directly. Also, in this case, I would be happy to show you around and give you some pointers here/there. I originally come from the construction industry as a PM but now work in consulting and have engaged with many clients in the construction industry. If you'd like we could setup a time for an intro discussion? If that's something you're interested in I can send you a calendar invite link.

    Certified Platinum Partner

    2023 Partner of the Year

  • Hi Matt, if you're a patient person I'd appreciate a little hand holding :) Thank you!