confusing formula results.

I'm working in a smartsheet that combines data from other smartsheets using vlookup formulae.

I've written a column formula to add the values in two of these vlookup columns and in some of the cells I get the expected result, and in some I get a #NO MATCH error. I can't figure out what is wrong here. I've reviewed the data in each of the source sheets and there's nothing different about the data in each of the cells.

Any ideas?? Thanks!


  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion

    Without seeing the sheet, formula, syntax, structure it would be difficult to say. Generally thought I would recommend you changing it to an index(match()) or index(Collect()). I virtually and intentionally never use VLookup.. risky, but doable if you understand the risks. Can even do an index(match(),Match()) if it's two way data.

    Matt Lynn

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