Index match formula for the month

Hi Everyone

I have two sheets here "Intake" & "CalRef".

On the intake sheet i have the column - Date month funded month Nr which return the number month from the column - Date funded. Now i want the use the formula:

=IFERROR(INDEX({CalRef Range - Month Name}; MATCH([Date funded Month Nr]@row; {CalRef Range - Month Nr}; 0)); "")

to return the Month Name from another sheet( CalRef).

Can someone explain why the index match formula returns a blank? just want to know the reason.


Intake sheet

CalRef sheet

I have used the below formula and it works fine

=IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 1; "January"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 2; "February"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 3; "March"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 4; "April"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 5; "May"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 6; "June"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 7; "July"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 8; "August"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 9; "September"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 10; "October"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 11; "November"; IF([Date funded Month Nr]@row = 12; "December"))))))))))))



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