Uploading from Excel. Cells with formulas showing #UNPARSEABLE

I figured out that the IFS formula is not in Smartsheet but I have been unsuccessful it trying to rewrite it in a way that will work. Can someone help me with this?




Best Answer

  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Tanner, it would be a similar formula but just use "IF" so would be:

    = IF('AJ3' = "X", "", IF('AC3 = "X", ""… etc

    This image might help:

    It may work better to use a CONTAINS function to search the row for "X" so would look like this:

    =IF(CONTAINS("X", [Column4]@row:[Column6]@row), "Yes", "")

    Hope that's helped?


  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Tanner, it would be a similar formula but just use "IF" so would be:

    = IF('AJ3' = "X", "", IF('AC3 = "X", ""… etc

    This image might help:

    It may work better to use a CONTAINS function to search the row for "X" so would look like this:

    =IF(CONTAINS("X", [Column4]@row:[Column6]@row), "Yes", "")

    Hope that's helped?

  • Jeremy_D
    Jeremy_D ✭✭✭✭

    I just realised that I may have misunderstood the question. Is it to do the formula in excel so that it uploads to Smartsheet without breaking? In that case I'm not sure that it can do that.

  • Jeremy_D your first answer is what I am looking for. Thanks!!!

  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers

    Hi @tayer

    Working on the basis that if the H column contains an 'X' it gives "R" everything else returns "", try this.

    =IF(H@row = "X", "R", IF(AJ@row = "X", "", IF(AC@row = "X", "", IF(V@row = "X", "", IF(O@row = "X", "", IF(H@row = "", "", "Other"))))))

    I stacked the IFs with the only one returning a different outcome and kept the remaining in order so the formula will end upon the first instance of 'X' across the other columns.

    Also changed your row 3 refernce to @row if this is to be applied to all rows in a sheet, which is always advisable.

    Hope that helps

    Paul McGuinness
    Central Operations Manager at Care UK

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