Formula to remove the 'd' from "Days Needed" rollup number relinked into my summary Sheet?


My company needs to determine how many Total/Average days it is taking our team to complete our projects. We use Smartsheet Project Schedules. And at the top of each project schedule is a 'Days Needed' roll-up. In a separate sheet, I am adding/cell linking all of these 'Day Needed' roll-ups.

In this separate sheet, I want to create a Helper column, or formula, so I can access the number WITHOUT the 'd' (90d, 125d, 10d, becomes 90, 125, 10, etc.) so I can use these day's numbers to determine totals/averages. Does anyone know a way to remove the pesky 'd' that is tacked on to indicate 'days'. Or a formula that will recognize and count the '#d' accurately?

For instance:

Column Range 1 (these are linked cells to my project schedule rollups)




Formula in Summary Sheet:

=COUNTIF({Team Project Management Tracker Range 1}, <100d)

=COUNTIF({Team Project Management Tracker Range 1}, >100)

=AVG({Team Project Management Tracker Range 1})

None of these formulas work because the 'd' is not quantifiable and without the 'd' nothing in the column is recognized:


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