Using Form to submit and fill in blank cell with existing row with data.

im trying to find a way to use Forms to have the agent fill in with their name, email, and Shipping Address and have that form identify the matching name that already exist within the sheet and auto fill the address cell with the matching name without creating a new row of data.


  • Heather_Verde
    Heather_Verde ✭✭✭✭✭

    So what will need to happen is you will need to collect the input data as it comes in on the form to a new sheet than your existing data. Then you can either set formulas to look up and pull over the date using Index Match or if you have access to Datamesh in Smartsheet, you can use that as well. Datamesh will give you the ability to add any new entries that are not in the existing data. Otherwise, you would have to finagle a system via lookups on both and have a helper column on your input sheet that captures if it exists on the existing sheet or not. If it doesn't then have a workflow that copies that row to your existing data sheet.

  • would you have an example on how that formula would look like and which sheet that formula would go in?

  • this is the second sheet and trying to get the Address from the helper file to the main sheet above and fill the address. im guessing

    i might need to match the name?

  • Currently im using formula on a new column in the main sheet i want the data to go into.

    =INDEX({Thin Client to AIO Address Retriever Helpe Range 1}, MATCH([Thin Client to AIO Address Retriever Helpe Range 2]@row, {{Thin Client to AIO Address Retriever Helpe Range 2}, 0))

  • i dont have access to datamesh

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