Conditional Formatting based on Status and End Date


I know this may be have been answered before but I would like some help with the following.

I have a sheet with

  • % complete
  • Status (Not Started, In Progress, Blocked, and Complete)
  • Start Date and End Date

I would like to create some sort of FLAG or conditional formatting with the following logic.

  1. If due date is in 3 days & status not in "Complete" —> yellow flag or yellow formatting
  2. if due date is today or in the past & status not in "Complete" —> Red flag or red formatting

There may be other scenarios, but I think I might be able to add those in.

Thanks for all the help.



  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge Community Champion

    Hello @RolandN,

    Would something like below get you started using a symbols column? If you need the formula tailoring to your needs, I or someone from here will happily help you.

    Formula below will….

    1. If [Due Date] is less than today and [Status] is anything other than complete - Red,
    2. If [Due Date] is within the next 3 days and [Status] is anything other than complete - Yellow
    3. If anything else - Green

    =IF(AND([Due Date]@row <= TODAY(), Status@row <> "Complete"), "Red", IF(AND([Due Date]@row <= TODAY() + 3, [Due Date]@row > TODAY(), Status@row <> "Complete"), "Yellow", "Green"))

    I hope that is helpful to you in some way,


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Give this a try:

    =IF(Status@row <> "Complete", IF([Due Date]@row <= TODAY(), "Red", IF([Due Date]@row <= TODAY(3), "Yellow")))

    The above will do exactly what you have outlined in your post.

    1. If due date is in 3 days & status not in "Complete" —> yellow flag or yellow formatting
    2. if due date is today or in the past & status not in "Complete" —> Red flag or red formatting

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