How to automate date population between cells?

Jtbeck ✭✭
edited 09/04/24 in Formulas and Functions

I am looking to store items within my inventory system. I have a column "storage date" that I populate when adding the item to the shelf. I also would like my retention date in the "keep until" column to auto populate adding a year to the "storage date" listed in that cell on the same row. Is there a way to automate this action or do I need to rely on a formula?


  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers

    Hi @Jtbeck

    I would probably use the following formula,

    if(isblank([storage date]@row),"",[storage date]@row+365

    and convert to a column formula, that way it is always there doing the job but not populating any rows that havent been added to as yet.

    Hope that helps

    Paul McGuinness
    Central Operations Manager at Care UK

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