IF formula help resquested !

I'm trying to to create a formula that turns in a number the text in a row.

this formlu is working :

=IF(FREQUENCE@row = "Probable FREQUENT"; 5)

but when I try to add other text it just doesn't work.

I would like to create a formula that gives me these numbers in these conditions :

  • Probable FREQUENT = 5
  • Probable MENSUEL = 4
  • Probable ANNUEL = 3
  • RARE = 2

Best Answer

  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Should be:

    =IF(FREQUENCE@row = "Probable FREQUENT"; 5; IF(FREQUENCE@row = "Probable MENSUEL"; 4; IF(FREQUENCE@row = "Probable ANNUEL"; 3; IF(FREQUENCE@row = "RARE"; 2; 1)


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