Having trouble trying to make this formula work. Perhaps it needs re writing using different syntax.

I understand that perhaps i am using too many arguments for the IF command.

I am looking to achieve the below.

  • If Column1 is not blank and Column2 is not blank, return "Answer 1".
  • If Column1 is not blank and Column2 is blank, return "Answer 2".
  • If Column1 is blank and Column2 is not blank, return "Answer 3".
  • If Column1 is blank and Column2 is blank, return "Answer 4".

=IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row)), NOT(ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row))), "In Stock - Allocated", IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row)), ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row)), "In Stock - Unallocated", IF(AND(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row, NOT(ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row))), "On Order - Allocated", IF(AND(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row), ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row)), "On Order - Unallocated", "No Match")))))

Best Answer

  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Tom, Try this: =IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row)), NOT(ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row))), "In Stock - Allocated", IF(AND(NOT(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row)), ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row)), "In Stock - Unallocated", IF(AND(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row), NOT(ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row))), "On Order - Allocated", IF(AND(ISBLANK([CHASISS NO.]@row), ISBLANK([STOCK CUSTOMER]@row)), "On Order - Unallocated", "No Match"))))


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