How to count multiple values in the same column

Background info :

  1. Product name is MR/HV13
  2. This product has 4 types (MR/HV1375, MR/HV1385, MR/HV1395 and MR/HV13115)
  3. I would like to count how many entries of each of the product types were submitted and total them under the mother product name which MR/HV13
  4. Initially, im using COUNTIFS and planning to do a monthly data presentation
  5. Can anyone kindly review my formula and advise the mistake/s?

Thanks much in advance…

Best Answer

  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Instead of listing each product as a separate requirement to the formula change that part of your formula to an OR formula

    {MXR Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) Product},Or(@cell="MR/HVT 1375",@cell="MR/HV 1385",@cell="MR/HV 1395",@cell="MR/HV 13115"))


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