How can I ignore a blank cell in an IF formula?

I'm calculating the workdays between two days and updating the status in a different column. How do I make the formula ignore blank cells in the Install Difference column?

=IF([Install Difference]@row >= 21, "Late Over 4 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 11, "Late Over 2 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 2, "Late", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 1, "On Time", IF([Install Difference]@row < 1, "Early")))))



  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers

    Hi @moorejr

    You want to add an if statement around the formula above to state if [Install Difference]@row is not blank, …

    So your formula would be

    =IF([Install Difference]@row <> "", (IF([Install Difference]@row >= 21, "Late Over 4 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 11, "Late Over 2 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 2, "Late", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 1, "On Time", IF([Install Difference]@row < 1, "Early", "")))))), "")

    Which would give the following results

    If the blanks in the Install Difference column mean the install hasn't started yet you can change the above forumula to something like

    =IF([Install Difference]@row <> "", (IF([Install Difference]@row >= 21, "Late Over 4 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 11, "Late Over 2 Weeks", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 2, "Late", IF([Install Difference]@row >= 1, "On Time", IF([Install Difference]@row < 1, "Early", "")))))), "Install Not Started")

    to get

    Hope this helps :)

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