Linking Data between sheets - auto-populating names based on matching sets of numbers

Hi, I'm new to smart sheets, and am quickly becoming overwhelmed with content and learning opportunities, but have a deadline i need to be able to quickly meet.

I have one sheet, that is data from and an inspection, where employees will input their employee ID number, but not their supervisor. I can not alter the source to include supervisor ID, it's another team's project. This sheet is populated every week from an excel copy/paste.

I would like to create a column inside that sheet, that populates the employees supervisor, based of their employee ID. This is so i can create reports for teams, based on the sheets data.

I have a second sheet, that contains both employee ID and supervisor that I get from HR every week.

I'm not sure how to get the logic/automation/formulas/information to match up so that the inspection sheet looks at the HR sheet, and pulls the supervisor's name, and deposits it when an employee ID Matches on both sheets.

If more information is needed, such as column order etc, please let me know.

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • srowlen
    Answer ✓

    I believe i have figured this out using references and a formula.

    =IF([Employee ID#]@row = "", "", INDEX({Current Employees - Master Roster Manager Name}, MATCH([Employee ID#]@row, {Current Employees - Master Roster Employee ID}, 0)))

    Please disregard this post, as I believe it to be solved.


  • srowlen
    Answer ✓

    I believe i have figured this out using references and a formula.

    =IF([Employee ID#]@row = "", "", INDEX({Current Employees - Master Roster Manager Name}, MATCH([Employee ID#]@row, {Current Employees - Master Roster Employee ID}, 0)))

    Please disregard this post, as I believe it to be solved.