Combining two data points on one sheet into a second sheet

Good afternoon, I have inherited a smartsheet that I am in the process of updating. In a nutshell, my team fills out a form, and that data is stored on a SmartSheet. My sheet takes that data and reorganizes and reports it. As I said, I am updating it at this time to pull data from the 2023 data points to the 2024 data points.

Most of this is going very well, with simply updating the references from one sheet to another - IE moving the "Timely Approvals" reference from its 2023 SS to the 2024 SS.

I have run into an issue where 2023 had a column for "Withdrawn and Dismissed" items, which is what my sheet currently collates. The 2024 column has a column for Withdrawn items and a separate column for Dismissed items.

Instead of pulling references from one column, I am looking to pull references from two columns and add them together, but I can't seem to figure out how. Any help would be appreciated.


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