Total Percentages Based off Check Box Selections

Good Morning Smartsheet Community,

I am trying to calculate % based off check boxes selected on each row. Below are the fields I am calculating and the formula being utilized.

Formula For %:

=COUNT(Construction@row:Security@row, 1) / COUNT(Construction@row:Security@row)

(With this formula I seem to be getting 117% with the boxes unchecked. I am trying to ensure that that the percentage will increment appropriately when a box is checked eventually reaching 100%. ) Any help would be appreciated.

Progress Bar:

=IF(COUNTIFS(Construction@row:Security@row, 1) < 1, "Empty", IF(COUNTIFS(Construction@row:Security@row, 1) < 3, "Quarter", IF(COUNTIFS(Construction@row:Security@row, 1) = 3, "Half", IF(COUNTIFS(Construction@row:Security@row, 1) < 6, "Three Quarter", IF(COUNTIFS(Construction@row:Security@row, 1) = 6, "Full")))))


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