COUNTIFS using dates and reference sheets

Lindsey B
Lindsey B ✭✭
edited 09/12/24 in Formulas and Functions

Looking for some help with this formula. I am either getting an unparseable or a 0 when I can manually see there is a match to be counted. I'm using the following formula to try to count the instances in another sheet that match the row item, ex: name of location, if they occured before today's date. (I've set Column3 as a date column formula for TODAY - I've also tried putting TODAY directly in the formula but that was giving me more trouble)

Formula used:

=COUNTIFS({reference sheet Range 9},<[Column3]67, {reference sheet Range 1},[Reporting Topic]@row])

Totals sheet with formula:

Reference Sheet to be counted on the final sheet. Start date is listed as a date, target location is a dropdown single select.

What am I missing? Thanks!!

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