How to count unique values and prevent duplicates

So I want to count jobs per month, each job is assigned an 8 digit code, but each job can be worked for several days, and each of those days has the code attached so it counts all of the days as jobs. I would like to sort these by month and division (both together and separate). Is there a formula to count each job once even when it can appear many times (even though the job takes place over many days it's still one job)

So the columns are:

Job Number Date Division

(there are many other columns but these are the ones that matter)

so for example:

12345678 9/1/24 West

12345678 9/2/24 West

12345678 9/3/24 West

Even though there are 3 entries on the sheet, I want to only count that code, so even though it appears 3 times, it is only one job because of that code, all the days worked are still that job. Hope that explains it enough.


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