Automation Question around running on a Date field

I'm working on doing some cleanup on a smartsheet that had some extra columns/automation that I don't believe are in use. I have a question around how an automation uses dates, so i'll give what is probably unneccesary background. :-)

For example, in our smartsheet there is a date field called CST Due for Info Update - Automated (i know long names) . There are a couple of automations that use it (at different times for different actions) .

However, when i look at the actual column in Smartsheet, this column is completely empty and I don't see any where (formula or automation ) that would be setting that date field. I had just chalked it up to something that was intended when designed but not executed.

The piece that throws me off is if i look at the automation on the Manage screen (this is a 2nd automation using that date) , it says it ran on 9/11.

If the date field is empty, does it make sense that the automation would still have run. I have 3 different automations that all say the have run in the last 2 days despite no date being in the field.

I'm trying to duplicate it in a test sheet, but can't see how it would work.

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