Formula Help

How to edit this formula to allow when more than one selection is made?

Currently, I have an IF formula that assigns a specific Region when selected from a column that is set up to allow multiple locations. So when ONE specific location is selected, the current formula is set up to lump that location into a specific "Region" (South, ATL, EAST etc.).

How do I edit this IF formula to allow when MULTIPLE specific locations are selected from the column dropdown, to lump into ONE specific "Region" (South or EAST etc.)

Current formula:

=IF(Facility@row = "PMH (Mountainside)", "ATL", IF(Facility@row = "PCRM (Columbus Regional)", "South", IF(Facility@row = "PFH (Fayette)", "South", "")))

Column Option examples:

When ONE option is selected for example "PEM (Eastside)" = "EAST"

How do I edit this formula, when MULTIPLE options are selected for example:

"PEM (Eastside)"

"PAR (Athens)"

to still result = "EAST"

Hope that made sense?

@Paul Newcome


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