Child task status rollup to Parent task

Hi there,

I am trying to do a formula that says something along the lines of the below:

  1. If all tasks are marked as complete, update parent to Complete
  2. If any task is marked as 'in progress' update parent to In Progress
  3. If no tasks are started, update parent to Not Started
  4. If majority of tasks are marked as Potential Risk OR Risk / Delay update parent to At Risk
  5. If all tasks are NA / canceled, update parent to Canceled

My status options are:

Not Started

In Progress

Potential Risk

Risk / Delay


NA /Canceled

I tried looking at other community posts, and found this, but I'm not sure how to incorporate my additional statuses.

=IF(COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), "In Progress") > 0, "In Progress", IF(COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), "Not Started") > 0, "Not Started", "Complete"))

Please can someone advise? Appreciate any help!




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