
Trying to create a Grid to help me identify deltas from 2 other grids.

First Grid is called "Forecast", second grid is called "Actual"

Column A on both Grids is Account Name

Column B on both Grids is Quantity

In my NEW Grid called Delta - I would like to be able to compare the quantiles from column B and match them to column A. Very much like a V-look up (I believe).


Forecast Sheet

Column A (Account Names)





Column B (Qty)





Actual Sheet

Column A (Account Names)





Column B





Goal would be to have a grid match the results.

Column A (Account Name)

*don't care about the order





Column B

*Qty from column B in Forecast Sheet

1 (walmart)

2 (amazon)

3 (Apple)

4 (google)

Column C

*Qty from Column B in Actual Sheet matched by name

Walmart (4)

Amazon (3)

Apple (2)

Google (1)

Then I would be able to say we forecasted Walmart for 1 but their actual is 4, Amazon for 2 but actual is 3, etc…..

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can add a column to sheet A and use INDEX MATCH to pull in the quantity from sheet B where the name matches that on the current row in sheet A. INDEX MATCH is more flexible than VLOOKUP but will do a similar thing.

    This formula will do that

    =INDEX({column B in Forecast Sheet}, MATCH([Account Names]@row, {account names in forecast sheet}, 0))


    {column B in Forecast Sheet} and {account names in forecast sheet} are cross sheet references

    If you wrap the formula with an IFERROR you can return 0 instead of NO MATCH when a match is not found.

    =IFERROR(INDEX({column B in Forecast Sheet}, MATCH([Account Names]@row, {account names in forecast sheet}, 0)), 0)

    Here is an example

    This is sheet B


  • Drew Cooper
    Drew Cooper ✭✭✭✭

    I also won't have the list of names readily available - so I would need to be able to account for it referencing the names in Column A on sheet 1. So look at column A in sheet one (Account Names) and match them to column A in sheet 2. If there is no match on sheet 2 return a 0. Example: might have forecasted "Starbucks" for 5 but there is no Starbucks in the actual. So I would get 5 for Forecast and 0 for actual which would allow me to find the delta of "5".

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can add a column to sheet A and use INDEX MATCH to pull in the quantity from sheet B where the name matches that on the current row in sheet A. INDEX MATCH is more flexible than VLOOKUP but will do a similar thing.

    This formula will do that

    =INDEX({column B in Forecast Sheet}, MATCH([Account Names]@row, {account names in forecast sheet}, 0))


    {column B in Forecast Sheet} and {account names in forecast sheet} are cross sheet references

    If you wrap the formula with an IFERROR you can return 0 instead of NO MATCH when a match is not found.

    =IFERROR(INDEX({column B in Forecast Sheet}, MATCH([Account Names]@row, {account names in forecast sheet}, 0)), 0)

    Here is an example

    This is sheet B

  • Drew Cooper
    Drew Cooper ✭✭✭✭

    So this worked perfectly! My situation has slightly changed tho. How do you go about doing additional matching.

    So for example:

    What if there was a column C in your example that had further descriptions.

    3 Columns

    A.) Orbital City B.)12 C.)Red

    A.) Orbital City B.) 4 C.) Blue

    How do I get it to match not only Orbital City but only also match the 12 to the Red, and 4 to the blue if both of those "Color" Column was also a matchable field from the original sheet? The problem is its currently thinking anything with Orbital City should return the 12.

  • Drew Cooper
    Drew Cooper ✭✭✭✭

    This is what I thought would work…or at least trying to accomplish. How do I force it to match 2 things. Tried the And function with no luck.

    Original Formula working for 1 match:

    =IFERROR(INDEX({ACTUAL - CURRENT MONTH Range 1}, MATCH([Name (1)]@row, {ACTUAL - CURRENT MONTH Range 2}, 0)), 0)

    Failed Attempt at formula to require 2 matches:

    =IFERROR(INDEX({ACTUAL - CURRENT MONTH Range 1}, MATCH([Name (1)]@row, {ACTUAL - CURRENT MONTH Range 2}, AND(MATCH([Product Group (1)]@row, {ACTUAL - CURRENT MONTH Range 3}, 0)), 0)))

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yay! I will count that as a win if it worked for the original brief 😀

    As for the new requirements. You can still use INDEX but instead of MATCH use a COLLECT function to return the row based on more than one piece of logic.

    Forecast sheet now looks like:

    This formula in Qty from column B in Forecast sheet:

    =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT({column B in Forecast Sheet}, {account names in forecast sheet}, [Account Names]@row, {column c in forecast sheet}, [2nd thing to look for]@row), 1), 0)


  • Drew Cooper
    Drew Cooper ✭✭✭✭

    Its close - but maybe this helps explain it better.

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I think it works - just different column names/order.

    In my example, this is sheet 1

    This is sheet 2

    The column you are now calling D in sheet 1 is the value from column that is now F in sheet 2

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