Using IF(AND Formula

Hello - I am trying to capture a few different scenarios to determine if part of project should be worked on (Go/No Go column) based on Benefit Level and Effort Level columns:

I tried one of the scenarios as a starting point a few different ways but got an Unparseable error

=IFS(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row=High, [Effort Level: High or Low]@row=Low, "DO IT")

=IFS(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row, "High", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row, "Low", "DO IT")

=IFS([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row, "High", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row, "Low", "DO IT")

Can you assist me with creating a full formula to capture the four scenarios above? Please let me know if you need any more information or if I am using the incorrect formula. Thank you

Best Answer

  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @JNash,

    IFS is not a recognized formula type in Smartsheet. What you need is a series of nested IF statements. Give this a try.

    =IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "High", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "Low"), "DO IT", IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "High", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "High"), "RESCOPE", IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "Low", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "Low"), "CONSIDER IT", IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "Low", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "High"), "IGNORE"))))

    Hope this helps,



  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @JNash,

    IFS is not a recognized formula type in Smartsheet. What you need is a series of nested IF statements. Give this a try.

    =IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "High", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "Low"), "DO IT", IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "High", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "High"), "RESCOPE", IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "Low", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "Low"), "CONSIDER IT", IF(AND([Benefit Level: High or Low]@row = "Low", [Effort Level: High or Low]@row = "High"), "IGNORE"))))

    Hope this helps,


  • This worked perfectly! Thank you!!

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