"Send From" email address on automations

I understand that the sheet owner should be the sender for automated email addresses. I transferred some sheets to a new owner but my email address is still being used to send the emails. Is there anything else that needs to be done? Modify the automations or somehow confirm that the new owner should be the sender?


  • Georgie
    Georgie Employee

    Hi @calsonprop_insurance,

    Within the automation, you can select the option for who you want the automation to be sent from (see our documentation here for where you can select these options - open the sheet and click Automations > Manage automation workflows, then hover over the workflow you want to edit and click Edit).

    For alert automations, you can select whether they’re sent from Smartsheet Automation, your organisation, or from the triggering user. If your alert is set up to send from the triggering user, and a single user makes a change or changes that trigger the alert, that user will be the From name for the notification email. If, however, multiple users make changes that trigger the alert, the From name will be the sheet owner.

    For update and approval requests, you can select whether they’re sent from Smartsheet Automation, your organisation, or the sheet owner.

    Check out this link for a full table showing the different options and the From name email and Reply-To email that will be used:   https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2479256-customize-the-content-of-your-alerts-and-requests#toc-customize-the-sender-s-name

    Hope that helps!


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