Reverse engineering a cell reference formula

edited 10/09/24 in Formulas and Functions


Smartsheet developed a solution for my current employer before I started here. I'm an Excel power user and in the process of becoming a SS resource for this employer. That said, I feel really silly but cannot figure out what's going on in this cell. It looks like a cell or column reference but the column doesn't appear to exist. Also, when I try similar syntax for a column that does exist (e.g. if I were to enter =[Status]#) I get an #Unparseable error.

Functionally, it's used to report out on a project portfolio dashboard the phase each project is in.

"Stage squarness" is a summary task in the project and there are some shenanigans elsewhere in the sheet with helper columns that are usually hidden involving looking at parent & child tasks. The names of those columns are "Function" and "Task Parent."

Just to add context, I've asked around here and no one else knows what's going on with it either. There are business users of the solution, but no one that's familiar with the infrastructure (functions, formulas, etc.) that are the engine driving the day-to-day business use of it.

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