

I was wondering if anyone could help me with a sum ifs function. A screenshot of the sheet is included. Basically I want a formula that says if the course name match and the date match, total the costs.

So in the example if the course date is 9/16/2024 and the course name is 300, add the three rows of cost.

I can get it to sum for each individually =sumif(Date:Date, [Date]@row) and =sumif(Course Name:Course Name, [Course Name]@row). But when I try to combine it does not work. I am not sure if it should be an (AND in there or something. Thanks!

Best Answer

  • SSFeatures
    SSFeatures ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Whalstead1,

    You're correct that you want to use the SUMIFS function for this problem. The syntax for SUMIFS is a little bit different than the syntax for SUMIF.

    This formula should work for you:

    =SUMIFS(Cost:Cost, [Course Name]:[Course Name], [Course Name]@row, Date:Date, [Date]@row)

    This will search the rows, and sum the costs if the course names match and the dates match.

    Let me know if you have any questions about the formula!

    Nathan Braun (Founder of SSFeatures) (

    SSFeatures - The browser extension that adds essential features into Smartsheet.


  • SSFeatures
    SSFeatures ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Whalstead1,

    You're correct that you want to use the SUMIFS function for this problem. The syntax for SUMIFS is a little bit different than the syntax for SUMIF.

    This formula should work for you:

    =SUMIFS(Cost:Cost, [Course Name]:[Course Name], [Course Name]@row, Date:Date, [Date]@row)

    This will search the rows, and sum the costs if the course names match and the dates match.

    Let me know if you have any questions about the formula!

    Nathan Braun (Founder of SSFeatures) (

    SSFeatures - The browser extension that adds essential features into Smartsheet.

  • Whalstead1
    Whalstead1 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much! That worked!

  • SSFeatures
    SSFeatures ✭✭✭✭✭

    You're welcome, glad it worked!

    Nathan Braun (Founder of SSFeatures) (

    SSFeatures - The browser extension that adds essential features into Smartsheet.

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