Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Help with COUNT forumula for column with duplicate names.


I am creating a reporting dashboard to report employee stats. Each of the metrics on my dashboard is fed from a dashboard calculation sheet. Each of the sections in my dashboard calculation sheet references another sheet based on different criteria. In each of these sheets, i have a column with employee names and a helper column to count and remove duplicates.

What formula should i use to count unique names and still include a single count for names with duplicates?

Here is the formula I currently have in the helper column:

=COUNTIF([Cash Drawer User Name]:[Cash Drawer User Name], [Cash Drawer User Name]@row)

Here is the formula I have on my dashboard calculation sheet with sheet references:

=COUNTIFS({Year Range}, "2024", {Month Range}, "Oct", {Cash Drawer Count No Duplicate Range}, 1)


  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @mcaulism,

    I think you may benefit from the DISTINCT() function, which needs to be used with other functions but finds the unique values in a range:

    =COUNT(DISTINCT(COLLECT({Cash Drawer User Name}, {Year Range}, "2024", {Month Range}, "Oct")))

    This will count the unique Cash Drawer User Names that were filtered by Year Range and Month Range within the collect function.

    I hope this helps~

    Renée Roberge

  • ✭✭✭

    This worked great thank you!

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