Conditional #auto number depending of rows sub-items or not?

edited 10/16/24 in Formulas and Functions


I've a sheet grouping requests and tasks in the primary column.

Each "regular" row is a request, which has tasks as sub-items by indent.

I would like an #auto number added only on request rows, and not on task rows (with a positive indent).

Is there some function/formula to do that?

Thanks for your help 😀


  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    Hi Chris,

    Unfortunately the AutoNumber column is a system one so it will always create unique numbers for new rows - does not matter if it's child or parent.

    You can create extra column that will distinguish if it's a parent row or children row but it will not increase :(

    =if(count(children())>0, 1, 0)

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