How do I count non-blanks in a column?

Hi - I have a column in a referenced sheet that I need to count cells that have data in them. I'm struggling with the countif formula, not sure what to put for not counting the blanks and only counting the cells with data.

Right now I have =countif({Lisa - test smartsheet Range 1}), …..and then I get stumped. The data is numerical with a dash so it can't just be excluding numbers or text. Thank you - sorry if this doesn't make sense.

Best Answer

  • MarceHolzhauzen
    MarceHolzhauzen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Murz

    There are two formulas that you can use

    =count({Lisa - test smartsheet Range 1})

    The formula returns the number of cells in that range that contain numeric values. If the range has cells with non-numeric data (like text), they will not be included in the count.

    If you want to count all non-blank cells, regardless of whether they contain numbers or text, you would use the COUNTA function instead of COUNT.

    The countif formula is good for instances where you have a different or specific set of criteria

    Marcé Holzhauzen
    Solution and Delivery Consultant with Award Winning Partner
    Want to meet?Check my availability

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  • MarceHolzhauzen
    MarceHolzhauzen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Murz

    There are two formulas that you can use

    =count({Lisa - test smartsheet Range 1})

    The formula returns the number of cells in that range that contain numeric values. If the range has cells with non-numeric data (like text), they will not be included in the count.

    If you want to count all non-blank cells, regardless of whether they contain numbers or text, you would use the COUNTA function instead of COUNT.

    The countif formula is good for instances where you have a different or specific set of criteria

    Marcé Holzhauzen
    Solution and Delivery Consultant with Award Winning Partner
    Want to meet?Check my availability

    Find me on:LinkedIn | YouTube

    If this helped, help me & the SSC by accepting it and reacting w/💡insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, and/or ❤️Awesome.

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