Index Match Help

Dakota Haeffner
Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 8:16AM in Formulas and Functions

I can't seem to get this Index Match to pull all information its just pulling certain cells and I don't know why. I've tried VLOOKUP with the same results as well.

Basically I have a sheet, Business Tracker, that tracks the names of Segments, the different levels of leaders, the FTE and call volumes numbers from their call centers.

In another sheet I'm trying to pull this data in from the Business Tracker and some are pulling names but most are giving the #NO MATCH error despite Copying and pasting directly into the sheet.

=IFERROR(INDEX({BT.Manager}, MATCH(Segment@row, {BT.Business Segment})), "")

BT.Manager = Business Tracker Manager Column

BT.Business Segment = Business Tracker Business Segment Column

From the Sheet I'm pulling into with the above formula.

From the Sheet I'm trying to pull from:

Does the Business Segment column being a primary column effect anything?

Any help is appreciated!

I'm actually having a similar issue on a less import column pulling from a different sheet into my primary column as well.


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