Formulas and Functions

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Combining COUNTIFS formulas

Currently I have two COUNTIF formulas in two different cells, then I am using a 3rd cell to add them together. I am looking for a way to combine the formulas and have everything calculated in one cell. Both formulas are pulling data from different sheets.

1st formula:

=COUNTIF({B2B Thermo Fisher Project List Range 1}, IF(ISDATE(@cell ), MONTH(@cell )) = 1)

2nd formula:

=COUNTIF({Completed Projects Units}, IF(ISDATE(@cell ), MONTH(@cell )) = 1)

I have tried to combine the formulas into one cell, but am getting a #UNPARSEABLE error. The formula I tried was: =COUNTIFS({Completed Projects Units}, IF(ISDATE(@cell), MONTH(@cell) = 1), {B2B Thermo Fisher Project List Range 1}, IF(ISDATE(@cell), MONTH(@cell) = 1))


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