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Can't Remove Dates

Michael R.
Michael R. ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have an old project that may or may not resume. Either way, I want to kind of archive it by removing any dates and moving it out of the way to the bottom of my sheet of projects. I have a few Master Tasks with subtasks. I deleted all the dates on the subs but there are still dates on the masters. I have filters that "light up" if there are past dates - hence, why I want to remove all dates. So why are there dates showing, even though I have deleted all reference of task dates. [See screenshot of the project and the warning message.] Thx!




  • It looks like not all dates have been deleted—the due date on your "find names and contact" subtask is still there in the cell.

    I'm not sure where those start dates are coming from, but it's likely that you still have a start date populated in a cell of one of your child tasks.

    I'm noticing that you have a filter on your Start Date column, so there may be other start dates that are being filtered out. I'd recommend removing that filter and double-checking all of your Start and Due Date cells.

  • Thx. I don't know how I was careless and overlooked things but today, after getting your clues and looking closer, there was something dimmed out. It's all fine now. Amazing how yesterday I didn't see it at all. Oh the human brain...Thx again!

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